Tosaka to Watashi – Akira Sakata

So pleased to present this new intimate solo saxophone recording by the utterly singular Akira Sakata. We can't wait to have you back at OTO some day, Akira!
“Under the Covid 19 pandemic all the musicians and live music venues’ livelihoods are under threat.
Currently, August 5, 2021 is in the middle of the TOKYO 2020 Olympics. Over 5,000 infected people,
It jumped 10 times more than before the Olympics. We have entered an unknown territory. I am lucky to live.
This solo is a continuation of the recording prepared to take a video in memory of the late John Russell. It was recorded at Bar Isshee in Tokyo. Many musicians, including Toshinori Kondo, died this year, but I couldn't even go to the funeral. I'm sorry. I can't help but hope that cafe OTO will hold up and this pandemic will end soon. "
- Akira Sakata
Japanese translation:
「Covid-19のパンデミックの中でミュージシャンとlive houseは誠に残念な状況下にあります。

現在2021年8月5日はTOKYO 2020 Olympic の真っ最中です。感染者は5000人を超えて、


このsoloは 故John Russel追悼の映像を撮るために用意した録音の続きであります。東京にあるBar Issheeで録音したものです。今年も近藤等則をはじめ多くのミュージシャンが亡くなりましたが、葬式にも行けませんでした。残念でなりません。cafeOTOが持ちこたえられること、このパンデミックは早く終息することを願わずにはおれません」


Recorded at Bar Isshee Tokyo

Recorded on 13 Feburuary 2021

Recorded by Eriko Suzuki(suzueri)

Mastering & cover design by Oliver Barrett


1 - Tosaka to Watashi (The Combe and I ) [10:55]

2 - Yujyufudan na Kaeru (The Indecisive Frog) [12:33]

Please note that were are a few short gaps in the raw audio of this recording. We have decided to keep these in the mastered version in order to preserve the flow and quality of Akira Sakata's performance.

Akira Sakata

Akira Sakata was born in Kure-city, Hiroshima in 1945. Studied marine biology at Hiroshima university. Formed a group Saibo-bunretsu (Cell fission) in Tokyo in 1969, and was also performing with various free-jazz musicians during this time. Since the late 1960s, Sakata has been a constant figure in jazz and creative music scenes as an ever evolving and adventurous, multi-instrumentalist, and member of classic groups such as Yamashita Yosuke Trio, from 1972 till 1979, and Wha-ha-ha plus many of his own, like the Sakata Akira mii. He has recorded with Chris Cosey, Peter Brotzmann in Last Exit, DJ Krush, Yoshimio, and others.

In 2005 he began peforming with guitarist Jim O'Rourke, drummer Chris Corsano and acoustic bassist Darin Gray. They've since released three albums together. Friendly Pants is the first American release by Sakata in more than 20 years. It pairs the 65-year-old traveler alongside bombast Chikamorachi (Corsano/Gray) and O'Rourke as the producer.