La Marquesa de Helada con Dulce de Leche

La Marquesa de Helada con Dulce de Leche

La Marquesa de Helada con Dulce de Leche also known as Marquesa de Dulce is living her first life on earth, at least that is what a polish psychic she met in Warsaw told her a couple of years ago. In her long and first life on this planet she hasn't achieved much. She writes poetry for herself, make stains for her friends, knit scarves for her dog and sings in her bathtub. She lives a rather happy and optimist life because she figured out it wasn't much use to be anything else. She is pre-destined to be first minister of the kingdom of Faraoula and is working hard on that matter. The 24th of February will be her first appearance on stage since the school-play she performed at age 9 in Cairo city. She has appeared in Cannes non-awarded movies but who cares? Certainly not her. Her fellow non awarded magician friend Daniel Blumberg refers to her as "Egyptian Goddess" and that she does care about. 

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