Vicky Langan

Irish artist Vicky Langan will DJ. Mysterious fragments, textural soundings.

“Through her solo work as Wölflinge, Irish artist Vicky Langan has gained a reputation for raw and intense performances that are as likely to leave audiences feeling deeply unsettled as profoundly moved. Langan both embraces and projects vulnerability, offering an intimate physical theatre loaded with personal symbolism and unguarded emotion. With a focus on the sounds of the body and its functions, involving contact-miked skin, amplified breath and live electronic manipulation, Langan’s work sits between sound and performance art.” – Daniel Spicer, The Wire magazine

Vicky Langan's vulnerable, emotionally charged performances envelop audiences in an often troublingly intense aura of dark intimacy. In opening herself emotionally, she creates warm yet discomforting rituals that at once embrace the viewers and remain resolutely private, exploring the limits of what can be shared between people and what must remain mysterious. Her performance practice operates across several often overlapping fields, chiefly performance, sound, and film.