
6ix consists of six musicians who are among the leading protagonists of the free-improvising scene in Europe. Urs Leimgruber has enriched and extend the saxophone sound with new playing techniques;  on the piano, Jacques Demierre has developed a unique operating style, never ceasing to redraw new sound topographies, making us forget the physical weight of the instrument; on the cello, Hannah Marshall, collaborating also with theatre, dance, live art, film and story-telling, has been extracting and inventing new sounds and qualities from her instrument; Roger Turner is a musician who defies any categorisation, a great british drummer who is an exciting combination of volcanic power and finely-honed precision; on the voice and the singing saw, Dorothea Schürch incorporates a wide range of sound effects and noise, while her body becomes the receptacle of an amazing theatrical performance; and finally Thomas Lehn, who works deliberately with analog electronic sounds that allow a very direct and always inspiring response to the formal structure and process specific to the live improvised music.