Helena Hunter

Helena Hunter

Helena Hunter works at the intersections of visual art, poetry and science to investigate the critical ecologies of environmental change. Her practice involves sites and subjects, combining field and laboratory work, archival research and collaborative practice with environmental scientists and communities. Her recent video work Postnatural Supernatural was exhibited at LUX Moving Image (2022) and published in The Contemporary Journal, Nottingham Contemporary (2023). Her project Falling Birds was exhibited at Gasworks in the group show Over everything which exists under the sky (2019) and was presented as a solo exhibition at the Horniman Museum in London (2022). Helena has published her poetic writing in MAP Magazine (2023) Ed. Daniela Cascella; APRIA (2022); Reliquiae, Corbel Stone Press (2020); Alterity (2019) Ed. Richard Skelton; MAI Journal (2019) and Something Other (2019). Her art and writing are featured in Posthuman Ecologies, edited by Rosi Braidotti and Simone Bignall, Rowman & Littlefield International (2019) and Investigating Cultures of Equality, Routledge (2022).
Helena has a collaborative practice Matterlurgy with Mark Peter Wright; their work intersects art, ecology, science and technology and operates across multiple platforms, including installation, performance and sound. Their artworks have been presented at Wellcome Collection, Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, John Hansard Gallery, BALTIC, The Showroom, Arts Catalyst, ICA, MIMA and Gazelli Art House.

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