La Brea Pulpit

Now in their seventh year of praising tetrahydrocannabinol through phantasmagorical electronic abstractions, La Brea Pulpit AKA Vymethoxy Redspiders and Squander Accrue, a sea-hag and a goblin from darkest Leodis, join forces by the alchemical powers of ganja and electronic synthesis to summon a microbial astral landscape of dissolving black-hole drones, obfuscated pulsar melodies and filter driven solar radiation noise that often builds to a cacophony like a collapsing space station. Over the years their sound has mutated from a full-whitey inducing racket to the scuttling, flecks of biochemical light-in-the-dark-depths sounds of the Crayfish-Mind 3 bowls deep and back around again resurfacing as something more intricate and delirious, the once purely analogue array now expanded into digital and sample based technologies, yet still ever centrally focused on the Chronic.