“Miaux is the operating handle of Belgiums Mia Price. Most of her prior recordings have been issued by Dennis Tyfus Ultra Eczema label, but after catching her set at 2014s Bruismelk festival, Feeding Tube had to “have” her new record. Unlike other known works, whereon Miaux is a mistress of elaborate keyboard shenanigans that border on the gothic, Above the High Rays brims with music of a very soundtrack-y nature. It mixes Neo-Eastern percussion symbiography with floating swathes of parachute color, all of it presumably birthed from Mias hands and keys. Its easy to imagine a Jodorowksy carnival scene, shot like the opening of Welles Touch of Evil, while this album spins. It is soaked with a haunted, lonely quality that touches the edges of mystery like a torch. Cover art and one side of etchings by Mr. Tyfus, himself. The tears you shed will be your own.” – Byron Coley, 2015.