Nina Garcia

Since 2015, Nina Garcia has been researching and creating around the electric guitar, halfway between improvised music and noise. Her set-up is reduced to a minimum: a guitar, a pedal, and an amp with which she sculpts sound and delves into chaos to bring out the unheard-of. Her concerts draw audiences into an immersive sonic space where power and fragility intersect with communicative intensity. In just a few years, she has attracted the attention of numerous international stages.

Nina Garcia presents a new work with a magnifying glass where the guitar is amplified by 1-inch zones. A fist linked to a micro-microphone, « ultra-territorial » music and total dependence of the sound on the slightest movement. What emerges from this new research is a tenfold increase in tension, forced silences, aborted feedback, and manufactured loops that are always trying to move forward. Her music is increasingly handmade, but always with a high intensity. In this new set we find her classical Mariachi folklore: threaded rods, saturated wedding and funeral noises, assertive rhythms and breaks, and a privileged link with the amp as a playing partner.