Michelle Doyle is a musician and visual artist, making work under the moniker, Rising Damp. In 2020, she developed this project into a live band with drummer Sarah Grimes and synth musician Ivan Pawle. They have played TBGS, Electric Picnic and Feile na Greine. She plays solo under this title, in shows often improvised in nature. She also plays in bands Dreamgirls, the Healers, Bodycam and previously, feminist punk band Sissy.
Doyle recently screened new film work, Super Gairdín, with collaborator Cóilín O’Connell in Pallas Projects Dublin (2022), along with her film “Living truthfully under imaginary circumstances” (2023) screened through Mirror Lamp Press. Recent works have been included as part of Oh My Demigod (2022) in TBGS, “How Will You Look After Me?” In Woman and the Machine (2021) in Carlow Visual, with artists Eva Richardson McCrea and Coilin O'Connell. The trio makes work under Yoga For The Eyes and has had their film work featured in AEMI's touring programme Signals & Circuits. As a musician, Michelle has played live in Berghain, IMMA, Electric Picnic and Open Ear Festival. At present, Michelle has a studio residency in Fire Station Studios in Dublin and is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.