Sunday 15 January 2023, 2pm
Ute Kanngiesser and Zara Joan Miller will perform a duo drawing on the words, shapes and textures of Zara's book Blue Monday, for which Ute contributed an afterword. They will share open compositions for voice and cello written especially for this mid-January matinee at OTO.
BLUE MONDAY Zara Joan Miller
when the wind turns east
taking a strand of hair or
2 with it
you’re at the border,
checking for surplus
ham, exotic
once a year you
treat yourself to
a cherry coke but
today was
not that day
Populated by strangers and lovers, the living and the dead, BLUE MONDAY moves across domestic and imagined landscapes exploring the cultural phenomenon of “Blue Monday”. Folding four calendar years into one, these poems trace the seasons and an ever-shifting experience of being in the world. How light can alter the texture of things. How days may be blue elsewhere, with their own purpose. – Joan Publishing
Zara Joan Miller was born in Brighton, England and now lives in London. She is a writer, artist and filmmaker.
Ute Kanngiesser was born in Duisburg, Germany and now lives in London. She is a cellist, composer and improviser.