Saturday 14 September 2024, 7.30pm

Counterflows at OTO: Maggie Nicols + Ali Robertson & Adam Green + Han

No Longer Available

Scotland’s longest running festival of experimental music, Counterflows, lands in London’s cauldron of creativity that is Café Oto for 3 days of exciting performances. Featuring Scottish and Scottish-based artists either in solo or in collaboration, the mini festival gives a snapshot of the wide-range of innovative music being made today from the land of haggis, irn bru and tattie scones.

The 3 day event is made possible by support from Creative Scotland



Maggie Nicols

Maggie Nicols joined London's legendary Spontaneous Music Ensemble in 1968 as a free improvisation vocalist. She then became active running voice workshops with an involvement in local experimental theatre. She later joined the group Centipede, led by Keith Tippets and in 1977, with musician/composer Lindsay Cooper, formed the remarkable Feminist Improvising Group. She continues performing and recording challenging and beautiful work, in music and theatre, either in collaborations with a range of artists (Irene Schweitzer, Joelle Leandre, Ken Hyder, Caroline Kraabel) as well as solo.

Adam Green & Ali Robertson

Adam Green has loved music since he was born. He began learning percussion in samba workshops run by New Rhythms for Glasgow, and has been a musician in the Sonic Bothy Ensemble since its inception in 2012. As well as performing in the Sonic Bothy Ensemble, Adam has joined forces with fellow Ensemble member, Ali Robertson, and they have been billed as a duo for gigs in The Glad Cafe and The Old Hairdresser’s.

Active in the experimental music scene for more than twenty-five years, Ali Robertson has toured his work across three continents, becoming a regular on the international music festival circuit. Most well known for his work in the free improv performance duo Usurper, which he and cartoonist Malcy Duff performed as between 2003 and 2023, Ali also operates alone and has collaborated with countless artists from around the world. Since 2000, Ali has operated the imprint Giant Tank, releasing dozens of CDs, cassettes, LPs, and publications and hosting an ongoing series of concerts in Edinburgh under the banner TFEH with his co-curator Firas Khnaisser.


Han is an experimental musician and healthcare worker based in Glasgow. She is a resident DJ at La Cheetah, and runs Events Research Programme (a monthly subscription-based events series). She likes to make weird music about institutions, and has released on cult label GLARC with a forthcoming release on The Trilogy Tapes due later this year.

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