Sunday 11 September 2022, 8pm

FLEA presents: Jeff Witscher & Jack Callahan + Territorial Gobbing + Ash Reid

No Longer Available

American musicians Jeff Witscher and Jack Callahan are known for their far-ranging work under various monikers and deep individual histories within noise, computer music, and new music circles. Joining forces to helm new music and contemporary composition label FLEA, the duo has recently produced a series of beguiling and forward-thinking compositions including The Past, Present And Future Of Experimental Music (Uncut GRM), Stockhausen Syndrome, and ISSUES (What Happens on Earth Stays on Earth), as well as video works and curatorial projects. Their collaborative work often experiments with transparent composition systems and the limits of our current music technology, sharing sensibilities with radio art, A.A. meetings, group therapy sessions, formatlist and fluxus generative poetry experiments, and Q&A formats. They probe into the purpose and meaning of experimental music and showcase tensions inherent to the communication of ideas—exploring what music can be in a world where almost everything is reduced to signals and information. Together, their alliance charts a path for truly avant-garde music in the 21st century. (Nick James Scavo)

Territorial Gobbing

“Theo Gowans work as Territorial Gobbing is a vital presence in the new vanguard of tongue-tied wonk. A visceral noise poetry and electro-acoustic scene which has been present in the UK underground for decades. From Phil Minton's vomitous grunts and burps to Dylan Nyoukis' skat-gob postulations via Chocolate Monk. The Territorial Gobbist in question couples these larynx bending styles with quick-draw dictaphone blasts and a John Wiese esque scattershot surgery of complex acoustic audio thrown all over the listening field.” - Opal Tapes

Ash Reid

Ash Reid is a performer and sometime writer, avid texter, current bar tender and former thought owner