Tuesday 2 December 2014, 8pm

Kit Downes, photography by Alex Bonney


No Longer Available

Kammer Klang presents Plus-Minus performing a new work by Alexandre Schubert, and Kit Downes performing Moondog's organ works on a Hammond organ. 


Alexander Schubert - Sensate Focus (2014)
Peter Ablinger - Instrumente und Rauschen (1995-6)
Jennifer Walshe - Everything You Own Has Been Taken To A Depot Somewhere (2013) 

Plus-Minus Ensemble
Aisha Orazbayeva
Vicky Wright
Tom Pauwels
Mark Knoop
Roderick Chadwick
Newton Armstrong
Matthew Shlomowitz
Joanna Bailie 

Logrundr 11
Für Fritz
Barn Dance
Log in B
Log 23 in G
and a few Rounds from Round the World of Sound

Kit Downes, Hammond organ 

Plus-Minus Ensemble

Plus-Minus Ensemble is a UK based ensemble committed to commissioning new work and placing it alongside recent and landmark modern repertoire. Formed in 2003, Plus-Minus is distinguished by its interest in performative, electroacoustic and conceptual pieces, and experimental open works such as Stockhausen’s 1963 classic, from which the group takes its name. Plus-Minus is directed by Matthew Shlomowitz, Vicky Wright and Mark Knoop.


Alexander Schubert

Alexander Schubert was born in 1979 in Bremen and studied bioinformatics in Leipzig and Multimedia Composition with Georg Hajdu and Manfred Stahnke in Hamburg. During his studies he has worked as a musician and composer in a variety of different environments. In addition, Schubert worked at the ZKM (Centre for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe for one year. Since 2011 he’s a PhD student in Hamburg and teaches live-electronics at the conservatory in Lübeck. 

Schubert’s interest explores cross-genre interfaces between acoustic and electronic music. The most characteristic feature of his work is the combination of different musical styles (like hardcore, free jazz, popular electronic music, techno) with contemporary classical concepts. He incorporates these influences based on his personal experience rather than theoretically approaching the topic. Schubert has participated in his youth and early career in all above-mentioned genres both in groups and as a solo artist. 

Kit Downes

Kit Downes is a composer, pianist and organist living in London. Kit has his own group 'Tricko' that he writes for and tours with, as well as working with 'Wedding Music' and many other musicians, composers, artists, organisations and instrument-builders.