Thursday 18 December 2014, 8pm
An Underwater Peoples records double bill featuring ex-Skaters member Spencer Clark under his Monopoly Child Star Searchers moniker and Belgian musician Lieven Martens' project Dolphins Into The Future.
Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Spencer Clark (The Skaters), is using top-of-the-line music imaging keyboards from the 80s and 90s to produce hallucinations of Past and Present Juxtaposed Eras, Far-OFF exotically composed tropical maladies, and wondrous inner-outer Ouspensky driven Fourth Dimensional Landscapes. He has recorded albums with a host of young modern musicians including Ducktails, Jan Anderzen of Kemialiset Ystvat, and Orphan Fairytale. His label Pacific City Sound Visions has ejected tape cassettes, Lp's, and Private Movies for several years. A frolicking and delightful musical aire combined with an aggressive alien monster backwards vocal hype, that will stun and awe and defrock.
"One of the darkest trawls through basement desire and alternately-visioned worlds of Spencer’s catalogue to date, absolutely dazzling, highly recommended!" - Volcanic Tongue, review of 'Pinhead In Fantasia'
Lieven Martens Moana (Turnhout - Belgium, 1981) releases and performs music under his own name, and under the alias Dolphins Into The Future. He takes the odd photo, creates a radio programme, and romances some texts. His albums are being published by a row of internationally acclaimed companies. He is also presenting his music live, in the four cardinal points of the world. He runs Edições CN, a company on which he releases books, and limited run records and cassettes.