Wednesday 15 August 2018, 7.30pm
Otim Alpha is a Ugandan singer and musician, playing on adungu and nganga. In the early 00s, he started reinterpreting Acholi "Larakaraka" wedding songs with Leo Paleyeng, using a computer to achieve a unique combination of electronic sounds and traditional instrumentation. The resulting music is fast paced, polyrhythmic - and perfect for the dancefloor.
“You may not have heard of electro acholi, but Otim Alpha’s debut cassette on Nyege Nyege Tapes deserves to make the genre every bit as popular as South Africa’s Shangaan electro. Recorded over an 11-year period, it’s an infectious introduction to the style, an electronic reinterpretation of the Acholi region’s traditional ‘larakaraka’ wedding dances.” - FACT MAgazine