Tuesday 15 October 2024, 7.30pm

Prins Emanuel echoing AthosOfficial Launch of the book and record by FLEE: Athos: Echoes from the Holy Mountain

£15 £13 Advance £8 MEMBERS

Prins Emanuel has been softly contributing to the under-branches of the left-field scene for about a decade. His productions range from dub to bedroom pop and avant-garde experimentation. Rather than claiming a mastery of these genres, he delicately navigates this eclectic approach with subtle nuances of rhythm and melody, constructing immersive sonic works.

In the framework of the transdisciplinary research conducted by art collective FLEE on Mount Athos, a monk republic in the Eastern part of Greece, the artist had been invited to experiment and compose on archival and contemporary field recordings. Inspired by the orthodox chants and ritual of the orthodox monks, the multi-instrumentist has built a live performance, tainted by melodies’ improvisation as well as sonic samples moving far beyond the « holly » mount. 


Athos: Echoes from the Holy Mountain

Edited in English, French, and Grec, Athos: Echoes from the Holy Mountain

focuses on a highly fascinating (and somehow problematic) subject: the chants of Mount Athos. Indeed, the initiative shed the light on a monastic peninsula in northeastern Greece, central to Eastern Orthodox monasticism for over a millennium. Its twenty monasteries house around 2,000 monks, dedicating their lives to prayer and worship. Their chants have echoed across the Aegean Sea for centuries, heard only by visiting pilgrims. FLEE, through this transdisciplinary project, attempts to document as well as artistically hybridise this music phenomenon, inviting conceptual and sound artists to reflect upon the subject.



Founded by Alan Marzo, Olivier Duport and Carl Åhnebrink, FLEE is an art collective functioning as an independent publisher, record label and curatorial platform. Shedding the light on subjectively selected sound and cultural phenomena, while making them interact with contemporary artistic approaches, the trans-disciplinary initiative explores and emphasises the outlines of globalization from a historical and critical perspective. Its installations, commissioned works as well as objects have been featured in festivals like Les Rencontres d’Arles, the MAAT Museum in Lisbon, the Jeu de Paume in Paris or the Oggetto Libro Biennale in Milan