Saturday 20 May 2023, 8pm

Rebi presents: VOICE ACTOR + Great Area + DJ Eliot x Katie Shannon

No Longer Available

Rebi invites artists VOICE ACTOR and Great Area for their London debut performances, with DJ Eliot & Katie Shannon playing records durings the points before, between and after.

VOICE ACTOR’s 109 track compendium Sent From My Telephone is a surreal intricate collection of time and mood experiments. Released last year by Belgian experimental music foregrounders Stroom. A surprise bottomless well of internal monologue musings layered on top of short samples and collaborative instrumentals; a beautifully never-ending collage presented as an open gate to a VOICE ACTOR dream space haze with all its ups and downs.

[ Words as mirrors in a framework of clatter shape the arches to VOICE ACTOR's pavilion. Surrounded by offerings of flowers, a construction is shown. The unusual compact scale conforms to tiny standards for intimate listening. All is half-height, so the visitor has to enter on hands and knees. From the verandah a crumbling, overgrown statue can be glimpsed, pointing at the pond nearby. The water is framed by a soundfence of endless space nobody can leap, a tree branch repetitively dips into it from above. Visitors can be seated on large rocks and have the surprising pleasure of hearing tear-stained but triumphant hearts sing.]

Great Area weaves a 'diary of intimacy' with hypocrite 21 out on Xquisite releases. Their very particular wander is further sonically cemented with Follow your nature out on Lolina’s est 2022 imprint Relaxin records.

These releases herald a welcome return of female vocal heavy electronica with a coldwave-esque melancholia. Reminiscent of canadians’ Desire, updated for this land's forlorn malaise, sparkled with an open ended optimism, always inquisitive. Great Area uses mental and physical dérive, in image, elevatory synthesis and bass plods; intimate conjunctions to set their own tone. Emotionally complicated with a strong sense of direction and psycho-geographical awareness.

DJ Eliot x Katie Shannon’s DJ set will be something responsive to our cityscape and its auto-instructional overdubs.

£12 tickets available via Cafe OTO‘s website

30 x £0 tickets kept aside for those unwaged/on UC, please email to reserve one [you will receive confirmation reply with ticket info]