evidence that ancient mayan cosmology incorporated the internal functioning of the human brain

Edgar A. Ostrander

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“If the object identified as a barred-spiral galaxy in drawing #37 really is a barred-spiral galaxy, it would seem to imply that either the ancients had high-powered telescopes or that advanced beings visited earth! I personally feel that such is not very likely, due to the lack of appropiate artifacts. Yet suppose a worldwide civilization existed in the past, which was fragmented by planets in collision in historical times?

Then the object might well be the two-horned, comet-planet Venus. Since the Mayans held that their savior-creator god Quetzacoati had turned into Venus after ascending from a three day stay in Hades, it would not be inconceivable that he might be deemed to, in fact, constitute the fundamental building blocks of the universe.” - from the postscript

Originally published, 1983 #booksofthenewuniverse 

This edition is a reprint in riso by @cutt_press 

A5 staplebound, 50pp

Hopscotch Reading Room makes “bootlegs” in close collaboration with @cutt_press of often rare and difficult to find printed matter that we consider to be of lasting historical value from our (not for sale) archives that we feel deserve wider circulation.