Giles Bailey

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TALKER is a self published interview zine about performance by musician, artist & writer Giles Bailey

Issue #6 of Talker features a conversation with Spanish artist Dora Gracía.

For over 18 years García has worked with performance as a way of dealing critically with relationships between artworks, audiences, and places. Her projects are often developed in response to works by others and deploy performers as intermediaries in ambiguous or even subversive roles as undercover agents, prophets, guides or spies.

In this conversation, she traces the origins of her performance practice from diverse creative community in Brussels in the early 2000s to the Happenings by Argentinian polymath Oscar Masotta happening again in her recent work Segunda Vez (2018)".”



280 x 180mm

20 pages

Risograph throughout

Saddle stitch, Card cover

Released: 2018.