Old Scar For New Nose – Karen Constance

More processed surreal appeal from Wino Lodge's hardest working dweller. The words are garbled, but the tapes and gadgets are in enough oscillation to keep your ass anodic. It's hard to believe Miss Constance's craft graft wasn't always so strong but two chance meetings at a early age set her on the path of prevelance. Firstly meeting the Tartan Lads in Blackburn Chemists at the age of 7 where "Scotland's top performing duo" informed her "even a wee lassie can wear a skirt of many colours." and just a few years later a caged Myna bird in a pub in Coldingham told her "the life of an artist is a fucktards waddle!" or maybe it was the other way about, either way she implores you to fill your boots with fruits & vegetables, create and be damned. Heed.


Chocolate Monk, 2021


CDR, Edition of 60