Second Edition. Pauline Oliveros's much sought-after 1984 publication Software For People: Collected Writings 1963–80 is back in print. Originally published in 1984, it’s an anthology of essays that covers a broad range of the US composer, philosopher and accordionist’s interests. “I am publishing this collection of twenty-six articles partly to show the growth and change in my attitudes, interests and perceptions over the seventeen year period presented,” explains Oliveros in her introduction. “Software For People,” she continues, “is an attempt to make a contribution not only to music theory and technique but also to contemporary musical issues and thought.” Her selections range from the technical focus of pieces such as “Karl Kohn: Concerto Mutabile” and “Tape Delay Technique For Electronic Music Composition”, to philosophical essays like “The Noetics Of Music” and “On Sonic Meditations”; from the poetic musings of “Sonic Images” and “Dialogue With Basho”, to discussions about gender and education in “The Contributions Of Women Composers” and “Modes Of Attention And Awareness In The Teaching Of Musicianship”.
Deep Listening Publications, 2015
originally puiblished, 1984