GUNK The Movie OST download original or not


Henceforth, WARMBLADDER lurks out from tenebrosity!
TWO totally new electronic works full of free improvisation, midi shreds, and ambient horrors coming at the same time on two obscure by now medias: CD and cassette.
WARMBLADDER's music is TRULY ahead of its times and can be best described by genres terror jazz, sick jam, and post-everything.

>>GUNK The Movie OST download original or not<< is a 20 minutes work in two movements leaning towards the terror side of music-making. The core of WARMBLADDER trio: Pole based in Copenhagen playing midi-ribbon - Tomo Jacobson (Moonbow, Mount Meander, Sun Araw), Hawaiian electronic drummer based in LA - Jonathan Leland (Janka Nabay, Sun Araw, Skeletons), and Spaniard playing The Box - Ignacio Nacho Córdoba (Fuego, Magia); is joined on this release by the German maestro saxophonist Jonas Engel (Own Your Bones, Just Another Foundry), and the mad Danish guitarist Taus Bregnhøj-Olesen (Yngel, Klimaforandringer). The music is fucking scary.

Tomo Jacobson - midi-ribbon
Jonathan Leland - electronic drum kit & percussion
Ignacio Nacho Córdoba - electronics
Jonas Engel - alto saxophone
Taus Bregnhøj-Olesen - Nacho's-signal-through-guitar processing