Camila Nebbia

Camila Nebbia from Buenos Aires, based in Berlin, is a saxophone player, composer, improviser, visual artist and curator debasing hierarchical systems across migration, identity and memory. Nebbia has released several solo saxophone albums. Her most recent –'una ofrenda a la ausencia' (an offering to absence) with Relative Pitch Records– was described by Jazz PT as a 'mercurial and stimulating album that reaffirms her as an essential saxophonist of our time' and by the NYC Jazz Record as an 'innately human and personal album, surprising listeners with a passionate approach to jazz'. She has also released albums as band leader, and other collaborative projects, super 8 films and commissioned work for other ensembles. Across these projects, the multidisciplinary artist layers her practice through the creation and destruction of archival memory.

Has released as a band leader and solo performer “A veces la luz de lo que existe resplandece solamente a la distancia” (Kuai 2017), “De este lado” (Club del disco 2019), Aura (ears&eyes records 2020),“Corre el río de la memoria” (ramble records 2021) and “Presencias” (Sound Holes 2021) “Una ofrenda a la ausencia” (Relative Pitch Records 2023), “La permanencia de los ecos” (577 Records 2023).

Played and recorded with many artists of the international scene such as Angelica Sanchez, Vinnie Sperrazza, Susana Santos Silva, Tom Rainey, Micheal Formaneck, John Edwards, Mark Sanders, Lesley Mok, Marilyn Crispell, Randy Peterson, Kenneth Jimenez, Cecilia Lopez, Gabrielle Miteli, Barbara Togander, Paula Shocron, Andrea Parkins, among others.

Co-creator and curator of the interdisciplinary festival “Festival Guillotina' in Buenos Aires' and creator and curator of the streaming concert series called “A door in the mountain” as part of her Fellowship with Experimental Sound Studio of Chicago 2022. Curates the concert series “Disfigured Rivers” based in Berlin.
Camila Nebbia is endorsed by D'Addario Woodwinds.