Kazim Ali

Kazim Ali

Kazim Ali is the author of twenty-four books of poetry, essay, fiction, and cross-genre work. He has also edited an anthology of Muslim writers and books of critical writing on poets Agha Shahid Ali, Jean Valentine, and Shreela Ray, as well as translated books by Marguerite Duras, Ananda Devi, and Sohrab Sepehri. After teaching positions at various colleges including Oberlin, Davidson, and St. Mary's College of California, he was appointed Professor of Comparative Literature and Literary Arts at the University of California, San Diego, where he currently chairs the Department of Literature.

Forthcoming events

Saturday 23 November 2024

Omar Sakr + Kazim Ali + Jimin Seo + Kat Sinclair

£12 £10 Advance £6 MEMBERS