Loma Doom, a true radio veteran and beacon of twisted and mesmerizing sounds. Whether you experience her musical activities or those relating to her contemporary arts practice, curiosity is a key aspect gracing Femke Dekker (real name). As Loma Doom, her signature style revolves around electronic experimentalism, both for mind and movement, seeking the outliers, one that avoids linearity, towards a space where intuition and understanding meet. Actively incorporating styles predating the computer era, she sources from her fondness for freak folk, psychedelic and hardcore punk. This openness veered Femke into a category of respected deejays in the leftfield underground, having played influential spots such as Salon Des Amateurs, Meakusma and Dekmantel, amongst others. Using radio and archives as her main media, her current focus is on various notions of listening and how listening is actually a call to action.
She holds radio residencies at Stranded FM (show: Daydream Nation), Radio Tempo Não Pára (Helter Skelter) and Echobox (Left of the Dial). Together with Berlin based artists Marylou and Lucy Park, she hosts the quarterly Juju Night Shift at Arkaoda, Berlin.
Parallel to spending her time behind decks, Femke has a multi-faceted practice as contemporary arts educator, teaching as a (guest) tutor at Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, Design Academy Eindhoven and the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague and is an artistic research fellow for the Amsterdam based Visual Methodologies Collective.