Born in Arona, Italy, in 1953, Riccardo Sinigaglia is an architect and a musician. Until his retirement, he taught electronic music at Milan Conservatory, where he studied during the Seventies with Angelo Paccagnini.
He has always worked in electronic and concrete music, with instruments such as Moog and Sinthy VCS and traditional tape-manipulation techniques. His work focuses on modes, mean tone, pitagorean scales and complex polyrhythmics - he is deeply involved in ethnomusicology, the elements of which are revisited and employed in his musical language.
In the 1970s, he created his first concrete-electronic compositions, including Scorrevole 1, Scorrevole 3 and Fluttuazioni, which integrate nature sounds, animal cries and various noises reworked with the analogue techniques. In the early 1980s, he formed the improvising group Futuro Antico with Walter Maioli, a musician and ethnomusicologist specialising in sounds obtained with instruments from primitive cultures, and Gabin Dabiré, a musician from Burkina Faso specialising in African instruments and rhythms.
Currently, he collaborates with Davide Zolli, the Cavalazzi trio, Sergio Armaroli, Federico Sanesi, Ariel Kalma and many others.