Sunday 16 March 2025, 7.30pm

Kieran Daly + Luciano Maggiore & Rory Salter + Ash Reid

£14 £12 Advance FREE FOR MEMBERS

Debut OTO show for American composer and guitarist, Kieran Daly, whose work has a concentration in experimental monophonic music. His work focuses on a skeptical, first-principles approach applied across multifarious formal contexts using iterative processes, microtuning and sliding, and pulse salience as morphological determinants. Some of his prolific output has been presented by CHIMEFest, Issue Project Room, Liverpool Biennial, Madacy Jazz, Museum of Modern Art, Poetry Project, Pioneer Works, Pitchfork, Segue Foundation, Triple Canopy, and Wire Magazine.

Luciano Maggiore

Luciano Maggiore is a Palermo-born, London-based musician whose work is characterised by the use of speakers and several analogue/digital devices (samplers, CD players, walkmans, tape recorders) as well as acoustic objects and addresses the performativity of the musical act, the perception of it, and the obscurity that emanates from it.
His main interests include mechanisms of sound diffusion, performance, repetition, endurance, non-human animal languages, dance, and folklore.

Photo by Bradford Bailey

Ash Reid

Ash Reid is a performer and sometime writer, avid texter, current bar tender and former thought owner

Rory Salter

Rory Salter is a musician, artist and technician living in London. He has published albums under various monikers with Index Clean, TEETH, Zoomin' Night, Alter, TakuRoku, Infant Tree, Bison and amongst others.

His work is formed through experimentations with acoustic & electronic instruments, faulty & functional technologies, cassette tape, feedback and walking; motivated by exploring relationships to environment, work/labour & materials. It is rooted in practice and the forms of documentation and theory that come from that practice. He has performed and worked with Derek Baron, Ecka Mordecai, Russell Walker, Mark Peter Wright, Regan Bowering, Li Song and others

He co-runs the record label and mail-order distribution Infant Tree with artist Ben Victor Waggett and curates a series of concerts in London between Cafe OTO, Dalston and Spanners, Loughborough Junction. He also works as a sound technician.