Wednesday 4 October 2023, 7.30pm

Photo by Mike Figgis

Unpredictable Series presents: ‘Segue To Another’ – book launch of ‘Love, Sex and War’ Terry Day Lyrics

No Longer Available

‘Segue To Another’ is the celebration of the book launch of ‘Love, Sex and War’ Terry Day Lyrics and a selection of lyrics compiled with Terry, edited by Blanca Regina and published by Unpredictable Series.

For this special event, Terry Day will perform a selection of his lyrics with a small orchestra including Neil Charles, Hannah Mashall, Rachel Musson, Charlotte Keeffe, Benedict Taylor, Iris Colomb, Adrian Northover, Daniel Blumberg, Peter Urpeth, Blanca Regina, Dave Fowler and Dave Tucker.

In Terry’s words:

‘ The performance on the 4th of October is a “ONE OFF”. ….. To attempt the performance of eight lyrics plus conducting is a step into the unknown for me.
Usually, I only perform one lyric with a large orchestra

Generally, the orchestra is given only the chorus of the lyric to briefly rehearse.
The rest of the lyric is then improvised, with the orchestra usually hearing it for the first time during the performance. However, the orchestra is only given the title of a lyric with no defined chorus. As such that piece would be almost completely improvised…… …….obviously a ‘ Chorus ’ might arrive

Each word, sentence, phrase and verse of the lyric has been deliberated upon and remains unaltered other than very minor changes. However, the structure,
delivery, rhythm, tempo – all the musical aspects of the lyric are subject to improvisation, as is the dialogue and exchange between the orchestra and myself

‘Segue To Another ‘ speaks for itself, ………when the lyric becomes ‘Song’.

I have learnt to accept the banality and profundity of a lyric.

Preorder the book at shipping from October 4th 2023