Monday 27 February 2017, 7.30pm

Yan Jun + Lo Wie + Seijiro Murayama + Ryu Hankil

No Longer Available

Lo Wie / objects
Seijiro Murayama / voice, percussion
Yan Jun / voice, electronics
Ryu Hankil / objects

Hankil Ryu

Hankil RYU is a musician from Seoul, born in 1975. He has organised a monthly event called RELAY since 2005 and established his own publishing office called The Manual. He is interested in finding an alternative musical structure possessed by abandoned objects like clockworks, typewriters and telephones. After discovering the instrumental possibilities of a typewriter, he started to collaboration project called 'A.Typist' with writers lo wie and Taeyong KIM. The collaboration's results were released by The Manual and Mediabus as three CD+Book sets. He is member of FEN(Far East Network) since 2008 and start digital beats project called called 'pilot Ryu' since 2015. it is opposite approach from his past works.

Hankil Ryu

Lo Wie

Lo Wie is Beckett's Typist (2011) and a member of A.Typist (2011~ ), and currently organizing a music composition concert series, namsan (2014~ ).

Yan Jun

yan jun, a musician and poet based in beijing.
he works on experimental music and improvised music. he uses noise, field recording, body and concept as materials.
sometimes he goes to audience’s home for playing a plastic bag.
“i wish i was a piece of field recording.”

Seijiro Murayama

Percussionist Seijiro Murayama was born in 1957 in Nagasaki, Japan. He started performing improvised music in 1972, under some influence of Vinko Globokar and musicologist Fumio Koizumi. After graduated from Tokyo University in 1982 in Urdu studies he toured the USA with Keiji Haino as part of the seminal psychedelic band Fushitsusha. Returning to Japan after a period in NYC he continued playing drums and electronics in K.K. Null‘s noise/rock band A.N.P. (Absolut Null Punkt), while further exploring free improvisation. A relocation to France in 1999 led to collaborations that extended into dance, theatre and performance as well as ongoing partnerships with musicians Jean-Luc Guionnet, Eric Cordier, Michel Doneda, Mattin, Lionel Marchetti, among many others. After over a decade in Europe he relocated back to Japan in 2013.

His artistic principal is to work with the idea of the plural or inter-disciplinary relationships between music and other disciplines of art: dance, video, paintings, photos, literature etc. In this way, he collaborates with musicians, composers, and sound artists. Improvisation is always the major concern for him, even if it is not his artistic goal. His approach is based on the attention to space and place, to the energy of the audience and to the quality and perception of silence on various levels.