
Andie Brown

1 Alucita I 26:12
2 Alucita II 17:51
3 Alucita III 10:08
After countless appearances at OTO over the years - either solo, or in collaboration with the likes of Sharon Gal and Phil Julian - Andie Brown shares with us her debut album under her own name, and her first full solo album in the best part of a decade. Sculpted over the course of a year from her dedicated glass-based practice, Alucita is a tender new work, welcoming the listener to a slowly unfurling, harmonically rich sound world.
"Alucita I, II and III are recordings from a trilogy of sound installations for automated glass harp and electronics. Each installation explores the harmonic content of the sounding object (a wine glass) through the synthesis of the resulting audio, fanning out the partials like the wings of a many plumed Alucita moth.

Alucita I  is an audio-visual work for a single wine glass, electronics and film. This work was created as part of a micro-commission, curated by People Like Us / Vicki Bennett, as part of her residence at Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Centre and hosted by WFMU.

Alucita II  is a sculptural sound installation for eight wine glasses and electronics, developed during a three-month artistic residency at Huddersfield’s artist-collective organisation ame.

Alucita III is a sculptural sound installation for four wine glasses and electronics."
-Andie Brown


All works recorded by Andie brown in Huddersfield between 2020 and 2021.
Cover artwork by Oliver Barrett

1 - Alucita I [26:12]
2 - Alucita II [17:51]
3 - Alucita III [10:08]

Andie Brown

Andie Brown is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher whose work explores resonance, tone and time though long-form composition for sound installation and performance with glass and electronics.

Whilst Andie has been performing live for over 30 years, she began to work with sound installation in 2016 and this has become the primary focus of her work. Andie has performed live or presented work at De la Warr Pavilion, Cafe OTO, Tectonics, Full of Noises, Colour Out of Space, and the National Science and Media Museum. Andie was recognised for her work by the Oram Awards in 2019.

Andie Brown by Dawid Laskowski