Can you keep it down, please?


1 Stomping in the dirt 9:11
2 Synthesized dimensions for Len Lye Trilogy 3:04
3 Can you keep it down, please 13:36

"Under the declared state of emergency due to the COVID 19 pandemic, I am recording the next album in my room. For me, recording is about creating my own future, and I am working on it everyday sometimes suffering from auto-intoxication. Recording makes the future, In other words, my present might be reflected in what was recorded in the past. So I dug out three songs tracks from my old hard drive that mirror the current situation and edited a mini-album. Synthesized dimensions for Len Lye Trilogy is the sound source I provided for the exhibition Sensory Agents at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in 2018." - Phew


Phew / voice & electronics


Recorded at Phew’s room in Kawasaki 2015-18
Mixed by Hiroyuki Nagashima
Photo by Masayuki Shioda

Artwork design by Oliver Barrett

'Synthesized dimensions for Len Lye Trilogy' - Recorded in 2018 Courtesy of Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and the Len Lye Foundation. Commissioned by the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery for the exhibition Sensory Agents, 2018

'Can you keep it down,please?' Recorded in 2016. Featuring Hiroyuki Nagashima on synthesizer.


Phew's Bandcamp page


Phew‘s career began in the 70s when she fronted Osaka punk group Aunt Sally (who released one album on Vanity Records in 1979). Ryuichi Sakamoto produced Phew’s first solo release in 1980 and in 1981 Pass Records issued her debut LP, a classic featuring Holger Czukay and Jaki Liebezeit of Can, and Conny Plank. She’s since collaborated with members of DAF, Neubauten, Boredoms and more.

Pitchfork calls her a “Japanese underground legend”. The albums she created over the last 40 years have gone from record store rarities to being included on many “best of” lists. She worked solo with musicians such as Ryuichi Sakamoto, Holger Czukay, Jaki Liebezeit, Chrislo Haas, Alexander Hacke, Yuji Takahashi, Seiichi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Nagashima, Otomo Yoshihide in the group Novo Tono, Dieter Moebius on Phew’s Project Undark Radium Girls project, Jim O’Rourke and Ana da Silva.